Street Handball Denmark visited Bakkevejens Skole in Bramming, Denmark. The school features classes (seventh through ninth grade) with optional subjects in this case, sports.
Video click twice the play button. ;D

Here, we organized games and we were playing street handball on their new and very cool multi street court. See the awesome videos is from 3 Fridays last summer, Video Part 2 will come tomorrow with handball games and how to play Street Handball.
Street Handball Fair Play rules
— Play fair with no physical contact.
— No dribbling. Max. 3(4) steps.
— Four-a-side = 4 vs 4 players, Depending on pitch size.
(Three-a-side, five-a-side, six-a-side, Max. seven-a-side.)
— Played against 2 goals*. With two goal areas.
SH Warm up games:
1. Ball games 2 and 2, Shoulder against shoulder, Knee against knee etc.
2. Throw with the right hand. Throw with the left hand.
3. Throw the ball 10 times and the quickest team sits down as the winner.
4. Rund around between each other. Throw and catch the ball 2 and 2.
5. 2 teams compete against each other. To finish with most balls in their own goal zone area.
6. Street Handball warm up game, Around the world. See more the video.

Thanks to
the students from 7,8,9 grade,
Bakkevejens Skole, Bramming

Street Handball at school pages
Follow the links and see more description, Fair Play rules and download materials here
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