The Street, the parking lot in Pederstrædet was closed off and then street handball was played to Culture Night, with Bramming Sports Organisation Handball as host.
Video click twice the play button. ;D
When the games were over, everyone had forgotten who had won because it was all about the fun, with fair play rules.
The players got fruit and there were prizes to be won after the matches from SPORTMASTER and Street Handball International.
The teams played club against club and eventually they were mixed so they learned to play together.
How to play with Street Handball Fair Play rules:
– No physical contact
– 4vs4 players
– No dribbling, 3(4) steps
– Everyone on the attacking team must touch the ball before the team can shoot goal.
(This helps every player to be part of the game in every attack.)
– The goalkeeper participate in the attack, so the attacking team will be in majority.
– The person shooting has to run back and be goalkeeper or change with a substitute player, and the substitute player becomes goalkeeper.
And the others have to run back and touch the semi-circular goal area zone before they can go in defence.
– Court size 10 meters wide x 20 meters long.
– Play and have fun girls and boys ;D
The participating team were:
Vejrup Idrætsforening Håndbold participated with 8, U10 Mix players.
Bramming Sports Association with 8, U8-U10 Mix players and 2, U16 boys players.
Club collaboration with Bramming/Gørding/Vejrup participated with 8, U16 girl players.
See you next year ;D
Vejrup Idrætsforening, U10 Mix players.
–Bramming Idrætsforening, U8-U10 players.
Quickplay Danmark
Ji Sport DK
Street Handball TV
See you next year. ;)
See more pictures on facebook click the picture.
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